George Abbot School’s annual admission arrangements are set two years in advance and reflect national guidelines. Information about the school’s admission policy can be found below.

Tour Dates for September 2025 Admissions:

Thank you for your interest in George Abbot School for the next step of your child’s academic journey. Our Open Mornings are designed to give parents and carers opportunities to visit our school, and to speak with members of the leadership team and teaching staff. Please see dates below:

Thursday 26 September, 08.50am – 10.10am

Friday 27 September, 08.50am – 10.10am

Monday 30 September, 08.50am – 10.10am

Tuesday 1 October, 08.50am – 10.10am

Wednesday 2 October, 08.50am – 10.10am

Please note, registration for tickets will open in September 2024. Please check back for further updates. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Please note that all Learning Partners Schools have their own specific admission arrangements, as defined in each school’s Admissions Policy.

Admissions Policy 2025/26

Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Policy 2023/24

To Apply

School Prospectus 2023-24

For admissions into current Year 7 or Years 8 to 11 please use the In-Year application form below.

In-Year Admissions

If you wish to apply for a place at George Abbot School, please complete the In Year Application form below and return to

In-year applications from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024 will then be reviewed and you will be notified in writing within 15 school days of the outcome of your application and if unsuccessful, details of your right of appeal.


If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at George Abbot and you wish to lodge an appeal please visit the Surrey Schools Appeals website at for further information.

The Surrey Appeals Service administers the appeal process for George Abbot School. Alternatively, please call the Surrey Schools Appeals Service on: 0208 541 9029 to request appeal papers.

Appeals are now being heard on a face to face basis, if you have difficulties attending please contact the School Appeals Service.

In year or immediate entry appeals:

Appeals should be lodged as soon as possible, and will be heard within 30 school days.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school’s case 7 clear working days in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal, is received by 5pm on the day notified in the letter with details of the hearing. Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.

After your appeal hearing your first letter will inform you of the outcome of your appeal, this will be followed by a detailed letter, which will include the reasons for the Appeal Panel’s decision. The full decision letter is normally sent to you within 5 school days. A copy of the full decision letter will also be provided to the admission authority.

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding admissions please contact:

Mrs T Stanley – Admissions


The Local Authority to contact with regards to Admissions is:

Admissions & Transport Team

Tel: 0300 200 1004



In the final year in primary school the following arrangements are made.

September 2023

Parents/carers visit George Abbot for an introductory visit to meet staff and listen to a talk given by the Headteacher and senior staff.

October 2023

Parents/carers submit their application to the Local Authority.

March 2024

Parents/carers are informed by the Local Authority about school placements.

May/June 2024

George Abbot staff visit primary schools to meet headteachers, teachers and students to provide details about George Abbot School and the transfer arrangements.

2 July 2024

Induction visits from the primary schools of those students transferring to George Abbot.