Our school is a powerful community. It might not always seem obvious, but the choices we all make at George Abbot and at home, about how we consume resources, determines how much we contribute to social, economic and environmental problems such as poverty, inequality, climate change and biodiversity loss, or how much we are part of the solution to these problems.

Here at George Abbot, we’ve taken the decision to be part of the solution by launching the Sustainable George Abbot Process. The school governors have approved and offered support for the newly launched student led initiative, we thank them for their leadership.

This  process is aimed at drawing up a school wide Sustainability Plan by asking students & staff what their vision of a Sustainable George Abbot would look like in 2030. Our task is now to map out how we get from where we are now to achieving that vision.

To find out more, please email sustainability@georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk or encourage your child to speak to their Form Tutor or Geography teacher.

Before half term, a group of students participated in a workshop on Doughnut economics, which is a visual framework aimed at highlighting the importance of development which meets all social needs without compromising planetary boundaries. Nine schools from the local area will be representing eleven countries in the mock COP working on identifying and agreeing strategies aimed at keeping global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees.

Below we hear from Hattie, one of our Year 13 students, on her experience of Zero Carbon Guildford’s MockCop event:

On Friday 5 November, four Year 13 students, Charlotte, Jack, Petra and Hattie, supported by Ms Wallace-Jones (Geography), took part in the Guildford Schools “MockCop” event, organised by Zero Carbon Guildford. George Abbot represented Australia and put across their countries’ position before engaging in negotiations with representatives from seven other schools to come up with solutions to the climate crisis. The day had some very productive and interesting discussions, ending with thinking about how these global principles might be applied to local solutions. As Australia, the team proposed bold new solutions, such as a transition away from coal to solar, a dramatic reduction in cattle farming to aid methane emissions, and new protections for the Great Barrier Reef.

As part of the build up to the event, the students also attended a workshop on “Doughnut Economics” and researched Australia’s current climate policies (which, incidentally, are fairly disappointing!). Overall, it was a great experience, one that we hope helped raise awareness for these important issues, and stimulate engagement with the real climate change conference, COP26, which is currently drawing to a close in Glasgow.

This event runs alongside our “Sustainable GA” programme that we are launching this term. If any students would like to get involved, please email sustainability@georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk or come along to the new sustainability club which is taking place on Wednesdays after school in E9.

To find out more about Zero Carbon Guildford (an exciting new local charity), please visit their website


To keep up to date with all things Sustainable GA, please visit:


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