Our provision for choosing a career pathway or next steps fully equips our students for a bright future. Careers Education Information & Guidance (‘CEIG’) is a partnership between students, their parents or carers and the school. CEIG supports students on their journey whether they are preparing for further or higher education, apprenticeships, training or employment.

Please click on the Next Steps button on the right for important information and useful resources regarding Careers and Next Steps after Sixth Form.

Specialist Team of Staff

We are fortunate to have 4 additional members of staff within the Sixth Form team whose role is focused on providing outstanding support and guidance for students. This includes a higher education advisor, an alternative pathways and work related learning coordinator, lead for academic excellence and a student development manager.

Specialist Support for Oxbridge students

We have an excellent track record for a state school in preparing students to study at Oxford or Cambridge. We offer a programme of support that includes a visit to Oxbridge Conference at Epsom Racecourse, STEP qualification preparation for Maths, mock interviews, alumni visits, specialist admissions tests and supported applications to Summer Schools. This is in addition to the challenge and enrichment from within each academic subject.

Higher Education and Alternative Pathways Guidance

Students receive a variety of talks and seminars throughout the year giving guidance on higher education routes and other pathways such as GAP years, apprenticeships and employment. They also have the opportunity to book appointments throughout the year with our higher education advisor or external careers advisor to help support their decisions. They attend the UCAS Higher Education conference and Apprenticeship Roadshow in the Spring Term and also have the opportunity to engage in a week-long Next Steps event. The week includes a visit to a choice of Universities, workshops on UCAS applications and personal statements, student finance and apprenticeships. This event also includes the opportunity to select and attend a variety of seminars led by over 30 different George Abbot Alumni who have gone on to achieve great success in a wide variety of areas. In these seminars, they will share that valuable hands-on experience directly with our students.

Work Related Learning

All students are encouraged to engage in a week-long work experience in the Summer Term of Year 12. Students will be guided by our own work experience coordinator to get the best possible work related learning. We believe this is a crucial part of preparing students for next steps alongside providing extremely valuable evidence for a university or employment application.